ผู้ผลิต: XIAMETER®
รหัสสินค้า: XIAMETER® RBB-2110-50 BASE
สถานะสินค้า: Pre-Order
ราคา: 0.00บาท
ไม่รวมภาษี: 0.00บาท

Typical Properties

*These values are typical properties and are not intended for use in preparing specifications.


  • Color Translucent
  • Compression Set = 45 %
  • Durometer - Shore A = 51 Shore A
  • Elongation = 600 %
  • Shelf Life = 450 Days
  • Specific Gravity @ 25C = 1.15
  • Tear Strength = 188.48 ppi
  • Tensile Strength = 1450.4 psi





  • Europe Regulations
    • BfR (Federal Institute for Risk Assessment)



Food Regulations

*For further details on the suitability of this product for food contact applications, please refer to the Food Regulatory Profile.


United States FDA Regulations
  • 21 CFR Section 177.2600: "Rubber articles intended for repeated use".
European Union Food Regulations
  • - The composition of this product has been positively assessed according to French Arrêté of 25 November 1992 on silicone elastomers intended to come into contact with foodstuffs (Arrêté Ministériel du 25 novembre 1992 relatif aux matériaux et objets en élastomères de silicone mis ou destinés à être mis au contact des denrées, produits et boissons alimentaires).
  • - The composition of this product has been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XV on Silicone for food contact (BfR-Empfehlungen XV zu Silicone), when cured as recommended by Dow Corning.
  • None of the substances present in this product is currently subject to specification or restriction pursuant to Regulation EU 10/2011, and amendments.


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