*For further details on the suitability of this product for food contact applications, please refer to the Food Regulatory Profile.
United States FDA Regulations
- This product has been assessed and does not comply with any US FDA food contact regulations.
European Union Food Regulations
- - The composition of this product has NOT been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XV on Silicone for food contact (BfR-Empfehlungen XV zu Silicone).
- - The composition of this product has NOT been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XXXVI on paper and board for food contact (BfR-Empfehlungen XXXVI zu Papiere, Kartons und Pappen für den Lebensmittelkontakt). This Recommendation is valid for paper or paperboard which is intended to be used at temperatures up to 90 °C (holding and reheating of food).
- - The composition of this product has NOT been positively assessed according to German BfR Recommendation XXXVI/2 on Paper and Paperboard for Baking Purposes (BfR-Empfehlungen XXXVI/2 zu Papiere, Kartons und Pappen für Backzwecke).